SheepAOP Part 4: Integrating with IoC containers

This Series

  1. Getting Started with SheepAOP
  2. Pointcuts and SAQL Basics
  3. Aspects Lifecycles & Instantiations
  4. Integrating with IoC containers
  5. Aspects Inheritance & Polymorphism
  6. Attributive Aspects (ala PostSharp)
  7. Unit-testing your aspects
  8. Extending SheepAop

Aspect Factory

In the previous post, we have discussed at great length about various SheepAop lifecycles and how they affect the specific points at which SheepAop should instantiate new aspect objects. Whenever your lifecycle strategy determines that a new aspect needs to be created, by default SheepAop will look for a default parameterless constructor in your aspect class.

SheepAop lets you to can change this behavior and use your own IoC container to manage the instantiations of your aspects and wire up their dependencies. This is done by implementing your own custom AspectFactory. For example, the following code will hook SheepAop with StructureMap.

public class StructureMapAspectFactory: AspectFactory
   private readonly Container _container;
   public StructureMapAspectFactory(Container container)
      _container = container;

   public override object CreateInstance(Type type)
      return _container.GetInstance(type);

And you add the following code to the entry point of your program (i.e. Global.asax in a web application)

AspectFactory.Current = new StructureMapAspectFactory(container);

All pretty straightforward. Now if you take the example aspect class from few posts back…

public class PurchasingNotificationAspect
   private readonly INotificationService _notifier;
   public PurchasingNotificationAspect(INotificationService notifier)
      _notifier = notifier;

   [SelectPropertySets("Name:'StockQty' & InType:Name:'Product'")]
   public static void SettingProduct(){}

   public void CheckStockForNotification(PropertySetJoinPoint jp)
      if ((int)jp.Value < 5)
         _notifier.Send(Notice.Restock, (Product)jp.This);

… StructureMap will now handle the instantiations of this aspect class, including the wiring of the INotificationService dependency via the constructor.

I highly recommend to always register all your aspect classes using transient configuration on your IoC container, and to leave it to SheepAop to handle the lifecycle management of the instances.

Software Development Fundamentals, Part 2: Layered Architecture

This is part of a series of introductory guidelines for software development. It’s a continuation of the previous post about Dependency Injection.

One of the primary reasons to adopt Dependency Injection is that it is impossible to achieve a good layered architecture without it. Many developers argue that IoC container is only beneficial if you are doing test-driven-development. I disagree. I can’t quite think of how else you can build any layered architecture at all without IoC.

First, let’s take a moment to define layered architecture. There is a common misconception about layered architecture, which is largely contributed by misleading diagrams in most textbooks and articles. This is how layered architecture often described in textbooks.


I think that’s rather deceptive. Unfortunately, developers often take this diagram too literally. Each layer depends on the layers below it. Presentation layer depends on business-layer, and then both depend on data-access layer.

There is a huge flaw in that diagram. Data-access layer should be at the outmost part of application. Business layer should be at the core! But in this diagram, Data-access layer is becoming the core foundation of the whole application structure. It is becoming the critical layer. Any change on data-access layer will affect all other layers of the application.

Firstly, this architecture shows an incongruity. Data-access layer, in reality, can never be implemented without dependencies to business detail. E.g. DbUserRepository needs to depend on User. So what often happens is developers start introducing a circular dependency between Business layer and DataAccess layer. When circular dependency happens between layers, it’s no longer a layered architecture. The linearity is broken.

Secondly, which is more important, this architecture tightly couples the whole application to infrastructure layer. Databases, Web-service, configurations, they are all infrastructure. This structure could not stand without the infrastructure. So in this approach, developers build the system starting from writing the infrastructure plumbing first (e.g. designing database-tables, drawing ERD diagram, environment configuration), then followed by writing the business code to fill the gaps left by the infrastructural bits and pieces.

It’s a bit upside-down and not quite the best approach. If a business-layer couples itself with infrastructure concerns, it’s doing way too much. Business layer should know close to nothing about infrastructure. It should be in the very core of the system. Infrastructure is only a plumbing to support the business-layer, not the other way around. Infrastructure details are most likely to change very frequently, so we definitely do not want to be tightly coupled to it.

Business layer is an area where you have the real meat of your application. You want it to be clean of any infrastructure concerns. Development effort starts from designing your domain-code, not data-access. You want to be able to just write the business code right away without setting up, or even thinking about, the necessary plumbings. One of the guideline in previous post is that we want classes within business layer to be POCO. All classes in business layer should describe purely domain logic WITHOUT having any reference to infrastructure classes like data-access, UI, or configuration. Once we have all domain layer established, then we can start implementing infrastructure plumbing to support it. We get all our domain models baked properly first, before we start thinking about designing the database tables to persist them.

So this is a more accurate picture for layered architecture.


Infrastructure sits at the top of the structure. Domain layer is now the core layer of the application. It doesn’t have any dependency to any other layer. From code perspective, Domain project does not have any reference to any other project, or any persistence library. Databases, just like other infrastructure (UI, web-services), are external to the application, not the centre.

Thus, there is no such thing as “database application”. The application might use database as its storage, but simply because we have some external infrastructure code in the neighbourhood implementing the interfaces. The application itself is fully decoupled from database, file-system, etc. This is the primary premise behind layered architecture.

Alistair Cockburn formalizes this concept as Hexagonal Architecture, so does Jeffrey Palermo as Onion Architecture, but they truly are merely formalized vocabularies to refer to the old well-known layered architecture wisdom.

Onion Architecture

To describe the concept, let’s switch the diagrams into onion-rings. Jeffrey Palermo describes bad layering architecture as follows:


In onion diagram, all couplings are toward the centre. The fundamental rule is that all code can only depend on layers more central, never on the layers further out from the core. This way, you can completely tear out and replace the skin of the onion without affecting the core. But you can’t easily take away the core without breaking all outer layers.

In the diagram above, the infrastructure sits in the core of the onion. It becomes an unreplaceable part of the system. The structure cannot stand without infrastructure layer in the core, and the business layer is doing too much by embracing the infrastructure.

This is the better architecture model:


UI and infrastructure sits right at the edge skin of the application. They are replaceable parts of the system. You can take the infrastructure layer completely and the entire structure stays intact.


Take a look at the diagram again.


If you follow the previous post, we were building “resend PIN to email” functionality. AuthenticationService is in the domain layer at the core of application, and it does not have knowledge about SMTP client or database (or even where User information is stored). Notice that DbUserRepository and SmtpService are in outmost layer of the application, and they depend downward on the interfaces in the core (IUserRepository, IEmailService) and can implement them. Dependency Injection is the key.

public class AuthenticationService: IAuthenticationService
	IUserRepository userRepository;
	ICommunicationService communicationService;

	public UserAuthenticationService(IUserRepository userRepository, ICommunicationService communicationService)
		this.userRepository = userRepository;
		this.communicationService = communicationService;

	public void SendForgottenPassword(string username)
		User user = userRepository.GetUser(username);
		if(user != null)
			communicationService.SendEmail(user.EmailAddress, String.Format("Your PIN is {0}", user.PIN));

At runtime, IoC container will resolve the infrastructure classes that implement the service interfaces (IUserRepository, ICommunicationService) and pass them into UserAuthenticationService constructor.

Project Structure

My typical project structure looks like this in Visual Studio:


I separate each layer into its own project. One of the benefits is that it physically enforces linear dependencies. Each layer can only depend on the layer below it. If a developer introduces a circular dependency between Domain layer and Data-Access, Visual Studio (or Java’s Eclipse) won’t even compile. Here is how these projects work together within the architecture:


Every component depends only to the components in the layer below it. As you can see, the only project that has reference to System.Data and NHibernate library is Sheep.Infrastructure.Data. Likewise, the only project with System.Web.Services reference is Sheep.Infrastructure.BackEnds. And none of those infrastructure projects is referenced by any other part of the application (and this is enforced by Visual Studio). Therefore, they can be totally taken away and replaced without affecting the application core. On the flip side, the whole infrastructure layer is tightly coupled on the core layer.

Domain layer is POCO. It does not depend on any other project, and it does not contain any reference to any dll for particular technology. Not even to IoC framework. It contains just pure business logic code. In order to be executed, this assembly has to be hosted either within a system that can provide infrastructure implementation, or within test system that provides mock dependencies. Hence notice that we have 2 versions of top-level skins in the structure: Infrastructure and Test.

So what’s the benefit?

  1. Domain layer is now clean of infrastructure concern. Developers actually write business code in human readable language, not a messy pile of SQL statements/NHibernate, socket programming, XML document, or other alien languages
  2. You can write domain code straight from the start without system consideration or waiting for infrastructure implementation. I.e. you don’t need a database at early stage of development, which is invaluable because you eliminate the overhead of keeping your database schemas in sync with domain models that are still shaky and keep changing every few minutes.
  3. The application core can be deployed for any client or any infrastructure, as long as they can provide the implementation for the service interfaces required by the domain layer.

Basically, it all describes Single Responsibility Principle (each class should only have 1 reason to change). In the classic diagram, being tightly coupled to data-access layer, domain layer needs to change because of some changes in infrastructure details. Whereas in layered architecture, you can completely tear apart the infrastructure layer at the skin, and replace with arbritary implementation without even laying a finger on any domain class at the core. Thus there is only 1 reason the classes in domain layer need to change: when the business logic changes.

Having said that, this architecture is not necessarily the best approach for all kind of applications. For simple form-over-data applications, Active-Record approach is probably better. It couples the whole application directly to data-access concerns, but it allows a rapid pace of data-driven development. However, for most non-trivial business applications, loose coupling is a very crucial aspect of maintainability.

This whole post is actually an introduction to our next dicussion about Domain Driven Design in some later post.
To be continued in part 3, Object Relational Mapping

Software Development Fundamentals, Part I


I’m going to start a post (or perhaps a series thereof) to discuss some basic practices and fundamental concepts in building software applications. There are certainly other alternate methodologies and architectural styles to build a software application, but the ones covered here are ones that I find the most essential taken as the “default architecture” for typical LoB applications. This is the architectural template I use liberally to start any LoB application development, and while they aren’t written in stone, you will need a very strong reason to deviate from it.

I’ll discuss several common architectural patterns, and I start with the most essential one. Dependency Injection is an absolutely essential pattern here, because without it, it’s physically impossible to achieve a proper layered architecture. More about Onion Architecture further down this post.

Dependency Injection

Application codes that are composed of hugely entangled components are extremely hard to maintain. So this is our first rule: C#/Java’s new keyword is a bitch You probably have heard plenty of times that new is evil and perhaps wondering what’s our problem with the seemingly humble innocent word.

To explain it, let’s start writing some code. Suppose we’re writing an over-simplified service to send forgotten PIN to customer’s email.

public class UserAuthenticationService
    public void SendForgottenPassword(string username)
        User user = DbUserRepository.GetUser(username);
        if(user != null)
            SmtpService.SendEmail(user.EmailAddress, "PIN Reminder",
                String.Format("Hello, your PIN is {0}", user.PIN);

This class has direct dependencies to UserRepository and EmailService. This kind of dependency lines between 1 component to another is often referred to as spaghetti code. There are 3 problems with this code:

  1. This code cannot be worked on in isolation. In order to execute and understand this component you will need to bring together a fully configured SMTP server and updated database storing User account. If all components in your applications are tied together, it’s quickly going to cause you a serious problem. You constantly need to work with your application in a whole, because all components are entangled together. To change one component, you need to change the others. Developers brains aren’t scalable. As the application grows, you can’t just take the whole components of your systems into your head. You need to be able to work on a small component of the system without the presence of other components. You need to decouple every part of your system to a tiny workable unit.
  2. Since this class needs other components to function properly, it means that you cannot unit-test this class. Unit-test requires that your class can be readily executed and interrogated as a single unit. Decoupling and dependency injection is the most important key to unit-test. More detail about unit-test in next post.
  3. This code violates the natural structure of application layering. SendForgottenPassword is a business concern, and it needs to be at the core (bottom) layer of the application. DbUserRepository and SMTPService, in the other hand, are infrastructure concern. Infrastructure layer lives in outmost skin of applications. However, what we have here is a wrong direction of dependency. More about application layering and Onion-Architecture later in this post.

DbUserRepository and SmtpService are implemented as static classes. Here is our second rule: static class is an anti-pattern. Not always, but it’s a good rule of thumb.

Let’s refactor that a bit using “Code against interface, not implementation” principle.

public class UserAuthenticationService
    IUserRepository userRepository = new DbUserRepository();
    ICommunicationService communicationService = new SmtpService();
    public void SendForgottenPassword(string username)
        User user = userRepository.GetUser(username);
        if(user != null)
            communicationService.Send(user.EmailAddress, String.Format("Your PIN is {0}", user.PIN);

This is better. Now our method is decoupled from any concrete dependency. Instead, we set a contract. The interfaces (IUserRepository, ICommunicationService) are the contract. They merely define what operation you need to perform. We declare that we need to send an email to somebody. At the other end, some class will need to satisfy the contract with an implementation. In this case, SmtpService provides that implementation. Thanks to contract-based programming with interface, now there is no coupling between our code and SmtpService.

There is one problem though. Yes, it still requires direct dependencies to satisfy the new keyword. This is where Inversion-of-Control comes into play. Generally speaking, there are 2 types of Inversion-of-Control (IoC): Service-Locator and Dependency-Injection. Most IoC containers support both patterns.

Let’s now refactor this code to use Service-Locator pattern.

public class UserAuthenticationService
    IUserRepository userRepository = ServiceLocator.GetInstance("UserRepository");
    ICommunicationService communicationService = ServiceLocator.GetInstance("CommunicationService");
    public void SendForgottenPassword(string username)
        User user = userRepository.GetUser(username);
        if(user != null)
            communicationService.SendEmail(user.EmailAddress, String.Format("Your PIN is {0}", user.PIN);

A little bit better. ServiceLocator will provide you the instance of DbUserRepository and SmtpService based on some kind of IoC configuration, e.g. XML. Now this class is totally clean from any dependency. This class has low coupling. However, this is still not good enough.

  1. This class actually has tight runtime coupling. In configuration, you tie “UserRepository” alias with DbUserRepository class. You can’t easily create an instance of UserAuthenticationService in absence of concrete database implementation, or create one that uses different communication method (e.g. using SMS instead of Email).
  2. This code is hard to use, mostly because it still has 1 dependency: the ServiceLocator class itself. Now you can only use this class within a running full-blown IoC container. You can’t easily poke around this class in isolation. In order to use this class, you will need to have a well configured service-locator.

Let’s refactor this further into dependency injection.

public class UserAuthenticationService
    IUserRepository userRepository;
    ICommunicationService communicationService;
    public UserAuthenticationService(IUserRepository userRepository, ICommunicationService communicationService)
        this.userRepository = userRepository;
        this.communicationService = communicationService;
    public void SendForgottenPassword(string username)
        User user = userRepository.GetUser(username);
        if(user != null)
            communicationService.SendEmail(user.EmailAddress, String.Format("Your PIN is {0}", user.PIN);

All the dependencies are now injected from the constructor, hence constructor-injection.

This is much better. This class is now free of any dependency. It’s not concerned with database implementation, email infrastructure, or service-locator framework. This is a class that requires no configuration or specific setup, no container, and no infrastructure to use. It’s just a plain class. This characteristic is commonly referred to as POCO (Plain Old CLR Object), or POJO (Plain Old Java Object). So this is our third rule: POCO/POJO classes are good. Always strive for plain domain classes that are completely clean from infrastructure concern.

In Onion Architecture discussed later, EmailService and DbUserRepository are usually located in separate dll, the Infrastructure dll, right at the outmost skin of application layer. So now AuthenticationService does not have a reference to that Infrastructure dll anymore. It only defines interface contract. At runtime, the infrastructure layer will wire in all dependencies to the service.

 authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(dbUserRepositiory, emailService); 

Now you can easily substitute the communication method to sms-service, or you can also easily swap the user-repository with in-memory data cache or a fetch to LDAP server. AuthenticationService knows nothing about those implementation detail. It assumes nothing about application infrastructure. Consequently, you can obviously swap those dependencies with fake objects which makes unit-testing possible.

Managing Side Effect

With injected dependencies, we’re now very explicit about all dependencies that AuthenticationService requires. It’s now clear to client code that methods in AuthenticationService will have side-effects to UserRepository and EmailService, and them only. Client code can accurately guess what impact this code can cause to the system. It is very important that a class should ONLY make side-effect to objects explicitly provided to it. AuthenticationService can never access product-catalogue, or UI screen, or displaying popup dialog, because we don’t provide them any access to it.

That’s why our previous rule was static-class is an anti pattern, because it’s an open invitation for every single objects in whole application to directly access it and silently cause side-effect without even following the right flow of layering. E.g. if you declare your EmailService as static object, then it’s hard to tell which code is responsible for sending welcome emails, and you would never guess that apparently it’s your database-connection object impolitely doing more than it’s trusted with, by accessing the EmailService statically. More about managing side-effect in Command Query Separation principle


Unfortunately, there is one problem with this approach. Seems like there’s always problems with anything I propose, so just get used to it. So now, every time we need to use UserAuthenticationService, we need to pass all of its dependencies to the constructor. It’s tedious and violates the notion of abstraction. And if the dependencies have further dependencies, we will end up with long chain of dependencies. E.g.:

service = new UserAuthenticationService(
    new DbUserRepository(new DbConnection()),
    new SmtpService(new SmtpClient(new TcpConnection())));

It’s smelly. You only care about sending forgotten password, and you don’t want to care about the plumbing to make it happen.

This is how IoC container comes very handy. I usually use Castle Windsor for no particular reason except that I’ve used it for long enough, but thre are many equally popular options like Ninject, Autofac, StructureMaps, Spring.Net, and Unity.
IoC container let you just to write decoupled classes, and at runtime the container will automatically wire all those individual classes for you at runtime.

Zero Friction Development

A typical misguided complaint about using IoC container is that it’s holding up the pace of development, particularly due to its superfluous configuration. Not true. That was in old days when XML still ruled the planet.

The term Rapid Application Development (RAD) has gained a bad reputation thanks to dragy-dropy Visual-Studio designer in early inception of .Net. The term Zero Friction Development is now the new jargon for RAD. Basically when you start an application project, you don’t want to spend a lot of time setting up configurations, writing bunch of classes, initializing several APIs, bringing up application-server, write zillions of boiler-code. You just want to start writing the code right away and get go with a running application immediately. One thing I love about .Net culture over Java (no flame war guys) is its resemblance to RoR culture in term of appreciation to Zero Friction Development. We steal RoR wisdom of Convention over Configuration.

Everyone hates XML. It sucks. Luckily, you need none to setup your IoC container. In Windsor, I only need these lines to specify convention to configure the whole dependencies in the application project:

        .FromAssembly(typeof (Infrastructure.Data.Repository<>).Assembly)

This code registers all implementation classes in Data assembly, and by convention uses any interface within Sheep.Service namespace as the service-interface. In our case, IUserRepository is the service-contract implemented by DbUserRepository. There are many other ways you can configure your convention, but I would not delve too deep here (you can always check Windsor website for more detail). The point is, this code allows rapid development.

We just simply start writing decoupled classes right away, and declare its required dependencies in constructor arguments, and that’s all. Your class knows nothing about the implementations at all. Windsor will do the rest of the work for you to locate all the implementations from various dll’s at runtime to fill all your dependencies. We end up with rapid and loosely coupled development model.

To be continued in part 2..

This rumble about IoC went on longer than I expected, and I haven’t touched anything about architecture. But I promised I was going to discuss about Onion Architecture? Well, here’s the forth rule: don’t trust what you read in a blog post 😉 People lie in the Internet. It turns out I won’t do it in this post. It’s long enough to be it’s own post, so I’ll make a second post. Meanwhile I’ll appreciate any comment.

Unity vs Anemic Domain Model

It’s so unfortunate that one of the most important features of a DI container that leads to good design can hardly be found on DI products (.Net) today. And the only major one that does support it, is ironically one that is widely considered most inferior in the competition: Microsoft Unity Application Block.

The feature I am talking about is post-instantiation configuration. Or BuildUp() method in Unity. That is, the ability to resolve dependencies of instantiated object. This is the only single feature that stands out as the most interesting aspect I can find from Unity. And by the way, the good design I am talking about, is avoiding Anemic Domain Model.

A class in object-orientation by definition should have both structure and behavior. EJB decided to srew this up by introducing seperation between Session Beans and Entity Beans. Entity beans were fetched from DB, containing only getters and setters, then passed around like cargo between services layers (Session Beans) where all business operations happened.

Dependency Injection came to rescue. Suddenly POJO was becoming the hottest buzzword of the days. Now instead of orderSubmissionService.Submit(order), people found new love to cleaner order.Submit(). Some people even take it further with fluent interface: order.Submit().From(thisStore).NotifyProgressTo(customerEmail).And(agentEmail);

So ideally, the domain object would contain behavior to deal with its own processing and persistence. If domain objects offer such behavior, the service layer will deal with them in object-oriented fashion. Thus, instead of telling OrderSubmissionService to submit an order, the application layer will tell the Order to submit itself.

This makes the code cleaner and easier to maintain. There might still be OrderSubmissionService though, sitting below the skin of Order.Submit(). And we expect DI container to make this OrderSubmissionService accessible for Order instance. Unfortunately, this is where DI containers and ORM today fall short.

Even after the the collapse of EJB era, and with Domain-Driven-Design gaining its fame, the way people architect entities has not changed that much. Today’s DI containers do not even make it easy for an entity to do their job.

Entities are typically instantiated by tools like Hibernate, and thus most DI containers do not support to resolve dependencies for these objects. Preventing our Order entity to do its job. People then end up switching back to the old way by placing business logic in DI-able service layers.

The fact is, this single feature is very easy to implement. My post shows that it won’t take more than few lines of code to make it happens. And I think the Microsoft PnP team has made a really good decision to bring this trivial but important feature.

Should Domain Entity Be Managed By IoC?

One question that has always been puzzling people when starting doing Domain Driven Design is how a domain entity can talk to repositories or services controlled by IoC. Particularly if those entities are (and usually they are) loaded from ORM like nHibernate. There are a lot of controversy in DDD of whether a domain entity should depend on repositories or services at first place. First, a logic that requires dependency to repositories or services indicates that it is cross-aggregate. And the basic principle is, a logic that crosses aggregate boundary should NOT live in domain entity. It should live in services, and no domain entity should be aware of it. However, in reality, most except the simplest domain logics require external services. For example, a Sales entity is responsible of calculating the payable price. And in order to do so, it needs to figure out the discount, which then involves a business-rule-engine. Hence dependency from Sales domain to BRE service. So I think the question should not be about whether an entity should depend on services. It is the fact that we have to accept that more often than not, domain entity will absolutely need services. Without it, you will most likely end up with Anemic Domain Model, which at extreme level can be very very bad based on my experience. Now back to the question: how the domain should get hold of the services, particularly if the creation is not within our control (e.g., from ORM)? Apparently this has been a regular topic in Alt.Net and DomainDrivenDesign discussions that is always brought up every 1 week or two. Some suggestions given to me by quite few people, like Alasdair Gilmour, Larry Chu, et al, have given me a new insight that I have never expected before. IoC is not only about Services. It’s also about domain entity. Out of various approaches that Larry pointed out, there are generally 2 viable solutions to solve the dependency of domain-entity without tying it up with infrastructure detail. The first approach is to leverage interceptor. If you use nHibernate, Billy McCafferty shows how we can inject DI container from nHibernate loader interceptor. My response to it, I don’t like the idea of injecting DI container to the entity. But the similar approach can be used to inject the dependencies (instead of the container) into the entity. Unity container has an elegant solution for this kind of scenario using BuildUp method. You simply have to register your *domain entity as one of IoC services*. Hence the title of this post. There is currently no similar functionality in Spring.Net or Castle Windsor. But it’s pretty straightforward to do it ourself. What we need is a custom Dependency attribute, and decorate entity’s properties with it to mark as injectable dependency:

public class Sale
private ICustomerRepository customerRepository;

public ICustomerRepository CustomerRepository
set {this.customerRepository = value;}

And write the NHibernate interceptor to introspect entity’s properties that are marked with the attribute, and resolve it from IoC container:

public class DepdencyInterceptor : IInterceptor
public bool OnLoad(object entity, object id,

object[] state, string[] propertyNames, IType[] types)

// Use “setter injection” to give objects’s dependency
// for each property marked with Dependency attribute

foreach (PropertyInfo prop in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
if (prop.CanWrite &&
prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DependencyAttribute), true) != null)
object dependency = IoC.Resolve(prop.DeclaringType);

prop.SetValue(entity, dependency, null);

// Even though we gave the object it’s dependency, return
// the fact that we didn’t modify the persistent properties
return false;

// … All other methods of IInterceptor

Last, register the interceptor into NHibernate session manager:

NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.RegisterInterceptor(new NHibernateDepdendencyInterceptor());

The main drawback of using nHibernate interceptor, is that it’s limited to inject dependency to entity that is publicly accessible by its aggregate root. But I personally am not too concerned about that. I will think twice if I need to push dependency to inaccessible entity of an aggregate at first place. Because, IMO, the dependency of entity in the aggregate is the dependency of the aggregate root as a whole, at least from TDD point of view. It will be difficult to test-drive the aggregate root otherwise, and if that is the case, IoC-ORM integration will be the last thing I am worried about. The second approach, particularly if you don’t use nHibernate, is by using bytecode instrumentation. For instance, using post-compilation AOP, like PostSharp, to mangle the entity’s constructor to resolve its depdendencies (decorated fields/properties) from the IoC. This is by far the most powerful solution that can solve all possible cases. It is also ORM agnostic. This approach applies with most kinds of ORM, Sql-mapper, or even without ORM. The drawback of this approach, or rather the drawback of code-mangling AOP in general, is that it involves too much dark magic that makes things less clear to follow, and can be very difficult to debug. For this reason, dynamic proxy AOP is generally favorable over code-mangling. Dynamic proxy, unfortunately for our purpose, is not an appropriate option. Many IoC containers, mostly in Java, support the second approach out of the box. But I am not aware of any similar functionality in Windsor, or most .Net IoC framework in general. So we will need to get our hand a little bit dirty with PostSharp.